Fatmir Langmeier
This question was the birth of OrmoSys® more than 10 years ago.
As a master orthopaedic shoe technician and managing director of my own company – Sanitätshaus Langmeier GmbH – I have gotten to know countless customers and their symptoms over 29 years.
Customers were often in so much pain that they resorted to strong painkillers with side effects and conventional medical aids had no effect. I myself know this experience of limited quality of life after a serious car accident all too well.
It was clear to me that a completely new and individual solution was needed.
A solution that is just as individual for each customer as each customer is unique.
I am happy that I have succeeded in doing this with OrmoSys® and that I can help people regain their health and quality of life with my development and my work.
Fatmir Langmeier

Fatmir Langmeier
Developer and founder
of OrmoSys®

This question was the birth of OrmoSys® more than 10 years ago.
As a master orthopaedic shoe technician and managing director of my own company – Sanitätshaus Langmeier GmbH – I have gotten to know countless customers and their symptoms over 29 years.
Customers were often in so much pain that they resorted to strong painkillers with side effects and conventional medical aids had no effect. I myself know this experience of limited quality of life after a serious car accident all too well.
It was clear to me that a completely new and individual solution was needed.
A solution that is just as individual for each customer as each customer is unique.
I am happy that I have succeeded in doing this with OrmoSys® and that I can help people regain their health and quality of life with my development and my work.
Fatmir Langmeier

more than
satisfied customers
more than
satisfied customers